Sunday, July 4, 2010

Dearest Elizabeth,

I love when you come to play piano.
Yesterday, as I sat and listened my memory was starting to remember why..... Daddy would occasionally sit and just play for an hour or so or get out his marimba (yes, even spontaneously set it up) and play away.

Several songs you played made me think deeply about why "It is well with my soul" was always his favorite.
I knew that mom and dad had a love/hate relationship from early on and I often cried out to God ~~ "why do they yell...... please don't let them divorce," etc.
When they argued at night, my head spun in a kaleidoscope type of fashion and my head hurt, my heart cried and I wanted my dad.

When I was in high school, mom picked a fight with me and dad told her to go to her room. The look of hatred on her face meant later dad would get the lash of her tongue and angry spirit. I always "felt" for dad.

We had some excellent dad/daughter talks later when I was in college, Arizona and after I came back from Zimbabwe.

No matter the relationship with mom, I know that dad felt it was well between his Lord and himself. It was well with his soul.

So many times I am tired of life and want to find my soul in God's presence. So many times no matter the outside anguish and pain, I KNOW my Shepherd is carrying me in his arms. I just forget to put my head into his shoulder and cry there.

Dad loved the song Heavenly Sunshine and would often hum it or sing it ....tis a lovely memory I have of my dad.
No matter the pain in his soul, he found heavenly sunshine as it knew, it was well with his soul.

Dad lived Romans 5:1-5.

Many thanks and hugs for making me know this about my dad....yesterday while you played the piano.