Thursday, March 31, 2011

When my will bends to Yours, I will blossom like a flower under the warm spring rain and bright radiant morning star.

I will surrender my all to You and lay in Your arms thankful to join my soul with Yours, my Shepherd.

Monday, March 7, 2011

I feel as if these are mom's last days before she strokes or something. Night times are the worst and it always occurs while she is eating, she just ceases to function well.  I think getting her to bed by 7 would be best.  I need so much more compassion.

The infection has spread to her bone and is on antibiotics.  I just do not want her to go out the way dad did, in hospital with alot of gorry stuff.

I do need to pay off all her bills asap and clean this office up.....taxes too.

Get all these clothes to a consignment shop.

I just need a will to do what I know is right and not be so tired in doing so. 

I need the pain in my knee NOT to get worse jesus, please I beg of you.