Thursday, May 19, 2011

Centering Your Heart
Psalm 73:23-28

"I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him..."

We hear a lot these days about achieving balance in our lives. We know we need to prioritize our long lists of commitments, but often we end up feeling like the circus performer who keeps adding more and more spinning plates on sticks in the air above his head.
Have you been caught up in life's balancing act? The "god of balance" only gives an illusion of satisfaction and control. Peace and contentment are lost in the hustle and bustle, leaving our spirits empty as we fly exhausted from one responsibility to the next.

A recent church bulletin posed this thought: "Suppose the goal is not a balanced life, but a centered life, one that is faithful to God in everything we do….where God is the center…"

Let your busy-ness go, starting over again by allowing God to fill your heart with Himself. Then, by His grace, you'll stop spinning in circles and will revolve instead around the Bible and its Living Word, Jesus. Watch Him lovingly transform your perspective each day.

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