Tuesday, July 2, 2013

I respond to Angel


Thank you SOOOOOO much for your letter.

I am not one to write by hand anymore if I dont have too.
But yes I could read yours.  It was mum's handwriting I had a hard
time reading while most others could read hers.

Several things,  I could NOT proceed in your letter after the first page.
I sobbed.

Everything you said about my mum was true and accurate.
Some day i want god to allow me to be as Godly as she was.

My freind Chrissy and I went Strawberry picking on Saturday and we
Both commented on how mum and her grandmother took us strawberry
picking and it was one of those times that was a very happy memory for
both of us.  When she was in the house with me later, she made a comment
that she realizes how much i still miss mum . . . I have at least one picture
of her in each room and another of Dad and Mum.  We laughed.

Secondly, I deeply appreciated everything you told me.
In front of me on the wall is a Quote:  "A thousand times I've failed.
STILL YOUR GRACE REMAINS. And should I stumble again, I'm caught
in Your GRACE."  No matter how far away from God I stray; no matter
how far away I strayed from the love of my mum and dad... mercy and
grace were always ready for me when i turned back.

I will cherish your letter.

Thank you for being there for my mum and I thank God you could
share with me the things you have.

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