Friday, November 9, 2012

I have been concerned for a very long time, more than a year now, about my relationship with Grace, Steve and Becky. As well as with Amelia and Ben.  All adults.  They do not contact me, and I do not contact them because I know they dont want to hear from me.  I love them very much and wish for their companionship and communication.  I sent a letter of apology to Grace (about the frame and picture), I write on Heidi and Ben's facebook page, but they never say anything in return or even respond to any of my posts.
Becky took me to the hospital cause Steph and Matt could was very ackward.  She gets married Thanksgiving....2 weeks and I know I will not be invited, but Steve and Heidi will come.

I totally agree with the following statement with tears falling down my face....
Too often feelings of indifference, resentment, and jealousy rule our relationships. 

This is how it is supposed to be...I wonder if any of my sibs see this as I do in the light of God's word.
We are new people who have a new ability to love, because "we live in Him and He lives in us." John isn't telling hopeless sinners to love hopeless sinners; he's telling Spirit-birthed children to love Spirit-birthed children.

Jesus knew the Samaritan woman who met Him at the well had searched for satisfaction and come up short. He knew her heart was empty, without love or self-worth or meaning or fulfillment or happiness. And so He gently pointed out to her......but Jesus was speaking to her heart. 
All those who look to draw their satisfaction from the wells of the world-pleasure, popularity, position, possessions, politics, power, prestige, finances, family, friends, fame, fortune, career, children, church, clubs, sports, sex, success, recognition, reputation, religion, education, entertainment, exercise, honors, health, hobbies - will soon be thirsty again!
If you look for deep, lasting satisfaction from any of these wells the world offers, you're wasting your time. You need to be filled with the Living Water of Jesus Christ.

 Oh my Shepherd fill me with more than a need for a companion, the approval of my family, things I dont need, signs of success....I need to have a deep satisfaction in you, regardless of what I think my worth is.

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