Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sheri has on many occasions told me that my Shepherd feels my feelings, knows them and comes a long of me and feels what I feel.  This is hard to comprehend.  But I have read lately that Jesus wept when his friend died. And Scripture only one other time mentions that He wept.  "He knows my needs, all my needs....." He felt power from within released when the woman touched only the hem of His cloak.  What is that?  Am I not always reaching for just the hem of His cloak?  I go to our secret place and I have to hug my sheep just to know He is with me, knows my feelings and is as near as each breath.  So hard to comprehend.

In all their distress, he too was distressed; . . . he lifted them up and carried them.
Isaiah 63:9, NIV

The solution to loneliness is not to give in or give up~or do what everyone else does~or go where everyone else goes~or look like and speak like and think like and act like the world around you so you won't stand out so sharply from the crowd. The solution is not to withdraw (or isolate) into an uninvolved, inactive life. The solution is found when you discover meaning in the midst of loneliness as God Himself SHARES your londliness while you walk with Him and work for Him.
Two thousand years ago another solitary figure stood out in history. He stood alone against all the visible and invisible forces of evil in the universe. The sin of all mankind was placed upon Him as He walked to the place of sacrifice, carrying His own means of execution. He was betrayed by one of His best friends and denied by another. Not one person stood with Him-not the blind man to whom He had given sight, not the deaf man to whom He had given hearing, not the lame man to whom He had given strength. He was crucified  on a Roman cross, lone ... so that I need never be alone ever-again.

So hard to comprehend.  I am being remind of this, lately, all the time.  On the days I wont get dressed, the days I only ice my knee after therapy and in the mornings, when I dont or cant accomplish much, let alone the dishes.  What would I do if my Shepherd were here in person?
I dont see him in cloaks, but in wollen pants and an aussy outback coat.

I love the picture of Him with the children:
I love this because this is how I want Him to be with me...... with Emily....for us to realize that we are His and he does smile and care for us. . . . deeply.

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