Sunday, March 25, 2012

deasrest Shepherd,

I am having those those of regret and despair that I could have done this, I should have done regards to mum and I cry out to her cause i feel as if i need her so....just as my companion, her friendship and closeness......

I miss her as if she passed away last week and it is 10 months now.  It all seems unbelievable and surreal. . . .

I want to cry and beg for my mum back but it is not her that I need, it is You. . .  you in this present hold me and let me know that I am IN your great ocean of love !!

The Liar cannot make me feel guilty there and You will torment him for doing so with me, Your sheep.

Gentle Shepherd,

 I have been patient this week and last, waiting for Maressa and the woman who needs care for her 6 month old.....from whom I have heard nothing....
I really do need a job. . . .  I cant go on living on borrowed time, gasoline, and unpaid debts.  I need vehicle insurance for sure.

This is between you and me, NOT Steven as I often imagine him cursing me for not acquiring a job long ago...but I have tried...I have waited for disability, I have waited for the FORWARD card....none of which I have gained.

I am more depressed stressing on the $4.25/gal of gas that takes me to the appointed times and days.

Thank you for the $85 check from WFHC which came today.

I must write countless debtors and explain my situation....can only do so with the wireless printer at the lib.  But them here I can do.

Life often speaks the language of chaos, pain, destruction and division. When we hear that harsh language, we need to remember that God's peace can transform it all into rest, clarity, healing, joy, love, and Life. That's His promise to us through the Holy Spirit. Listen as He speaks peace to you.

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