Friday, March 23, 2012

Not everything Jesus taught about was unfamiliar to His listeners. But understanding from God's perspective - through the filter of holiness - was.

The Sign of the Cross
This is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
Matthew 26:28,

God knew that after our salvation experience, as we sought to live a new life, we would sin again. And because of the continuing struggle with sin and failure in our lives, we would be tempted to doubt our salvation. So God gave us a sign of the new covenant. Jesus said it was the sign of His broken body and His poured-out blood. It was the sign of the cross.

Have you become so overwhelmed with your own weakness and failure and sin and inability to live a life that is pleasing to God that you have begun to doubt your salvation?
Then look up! Take a good, long look at the cross and remember that God remembers. He loves you, He has forgiven you,
*He is eternally committed to you! and you are saved! Forever! Praise God! His covenant is unconditional!

It is really only when I read what 1)a failure, 2) my sins and 3)how I continue in several outright sins that I begin to doubt my salvation, and is is alwaus when I read something in a devotional.  I love Matt.  I have no idea where he stands eternally nor waht impact my "ramblings" about my Shepherd have upon him, but one thing I do know, I feel as if this is God's grace in the shape of a man for me.  Has He predestined matt to salvation?  I do not know.  What about Lily?  I do not know.  But I need both Matt and Lily.  And when I am gone, they will have each other.

I went to the library yesterday after 3 hrs at Starbucks on the laptop.  It was good to go and see all the changes and the videos and CD's available to me.  In the DVD section I felt overwhelmed with my choices, just like I felt when I walked into Blockbuster upon coming back to the States.
I picked up 2 movies The Reader and Remember Me.  Both had a surprise ending.  The first was about  a woman being tried, true story, in Berlin, for allowing 300 Jewish women to die, by burning in a church.  She lied because of pride and spent her life in prison, having affected the life of a young boy.
The second was a startling end.  Perished in the twin towers 911 after affecting his little sister and father.  Those are good movies, the kind with a moral, the kind that have truth and integrity, character.  Altho there was sexual scenes in both....I guess movies need that now to keep life in movies truthful....but why go through that when I would want someone like AJ or Ben to see the movies?
I had a good day.  Ate a huge salad, quacamole, salsa and crackers from Pick n Save.

In the PP, I must always bring before my Shepherd my need for a job and to care for my debts.  He has not forgotten, nor have I, but it does feels good to bring him this burden, which I do not need to carry into each moment.

It rained last night, so this morning is cool and wet.  Like spring.  Everything is lush green without the sun shining upon it to give it gleen.  The budgs on the trees are coming forth and I can see the beginning of lilacs.  The flowering trees are pink and white buds.  And I sit out here with Princess drinking coffee.

I have been having chest pain and headaches.  The bad kind of chest pain that worries me, goes into my arm and back, sometimes staying for hours and keeps me worried about falling asleep at night.  I need to see Dr Dizadji.

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